Living Tree Orchid Essences
Celebration - Paph. sanderianum
After we have healed the primary traumas which the psyche is inclined to hold, once we have addressed the dead-pelvis syndrome, and the ancient and recent heartaches; once the powerful traumas of the past have been healed, what then?
In effect all essences that address remedial conditions ('negative' states) are concerned with our Becoming healthier, more whole. But once those conditions are healed, then we move beyond the need for an essence of Becoming, and into the qualities of Being. Most of the orchids have both aspects, which I have described as Remedy or Enhancer qualities. (Example: if one is feeling emotionally fine, then Being in Grace will simply feel lovely, beautiful and noble. But if there are toxic old emotions which have been swept under the carpet of the psyche, then the first time one takes Being in Grace, the carpet will be lifted, and those old uncomfortable feelings will immediately surface. A second dose then brings immediate cleansing / healing, after that initial moment of awareness.)
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Celebration appears to have almost no concern with remedial conditions, but instead invites you to experience deep and powerful Being. As one of our network of provers wrote about her meditation on the mother tincture:
I feel very calm, peaceful and surrendered. I feel pressure across my neck, the back of my head and shoulders then across my head through both ears. I feel an expansion and tingling in the Ba-hui area but not my crown. Hands are very tingly and warm and stay this way throughout the entire meditation. I feel like my whole upper body and torso are puffed up somewhat like a balloon. A shaft of white light is coming from my crown chakra. Then the light becomes a cone shaped spiral. Large at my crown and getting smaller as it spirals upward forming a pointed cone shape. The spiral is moving at an even pace and seems to extend very far above my head.
Then after a while a leopard appears off to my left. I go to it and hug him, my arms around his neck and laid my face against his body. I climb onto his back and hold on to him as we lope away. I can smell him and feel the powerful muscles under me. I feel a very close connection to him. He is my dear friend or companion. He takes us into the white spiral which now looks like a pyramid and we disappear.
Next, I see to the left of my vision white, then yellow then purple colors repeating over and over coming in waves.
Meditation ends.
This orchid meditation leaves me feeling suspended, like in suspended animation and I have no desire to move, talk or get up from my chair. I want only to sit and stare into space. I am not tired, I just want to BE. I have very heightened hearing. I get up from my chair and start to the table to pick up things so I can drive home, but I end up just standing and staring into space. I am feeling immense gratitude and am almost tearful from the overwhelming sense of gratitude I have in this slowed, altered space.
There are similarities in my own meditation on this essence:
My entire torso feels strong throughout, strong and upright, with its strength anchored in the 2nd chakra area. I notice that the effect is in the forward half of the torso. My chest expands, almost in a military fashion, large and strong. Straight spine and neck. Courage is felt, quiet but considerable.
It feels as though the essence is wanting to stretch my forehead chakra to be about 2 to 3 feet tall...!
There is a powerful alignment up, to reach one's attention up up up and yet at the same time facing forward. And in that alignment there is both activity and stillness, like with fire. The fire reaches up high to a commanding place of spirit; if one could stay within that space that the orchid invites us into, the ego would dissolve and disappear. And one would be whole.
As one may see from the above, Celebration will be of 'benefit' primarily with people who have engaged in the healing of their various traumas already, in one way or another. For the orchids it represents a culmination of 14 years of essence-making (as well as 14 years of orchid-growing!). It is a powerful and beautiful essence, inviting us to experience the depths of our spirit.
2014 Seminars
Seminars Summary
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from 10 am till 5 pm except on Bank Holidays.
Tarbert Farm
Isle of Gigha
PA41 7AA