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Living Tree Orchid Essences

Soul's Grief Release - Pleurothallis triptanthera

This is a profound and very significant essence to heal and release deeply-held sorrow of the soul. Many people carry a sense of abiding sadness in their heart through their lives, a sorrow that has no clear source. This is sorrow that has most likely accumulated over many lifetimes, and is difficult to release. It can carry in itself a sense that this sadness is the hidden reality of the soul and of Being in general. If someone holds this deep sorrow, then Soul's Grief Release will first bring that sadness to be far more fully present for some hours, or even a day or two. Gradually the sorrow is dissolved and released, and as the days pass the heart opens to a new possibility, a deeper reality in which it may be open to receive the joy of Angelic song.

It should be noted by contrast that Healing the Higher Heart and Spirit of the Higher Heart are essences that help to heal grief brought on by known causes, e.g., the death or loss of a loved one.

Soul's Grief Release

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Soul's Grief Release


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Soul's Grief Release orchid essence

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